
Christopher Lee, Marketing Manager at WNY Holdings LLC, Discusses the Power of Email Marketing for Business Leads

Email marketing is one business tool that has been used by businesses since the early days of email. Despite being a more seasoned digital marketing tactic, many companies of all sizes fail to utilize email marketing to its fullest potential.

Christopher Lee, a Marketing Manager at WNY Holdings, discusses how email marketing can increase sales and attract new clientele to your business.

What is Email Marketing?

Email marketing gives business owners the option to communicate with prospective and existing clients through email. Email marketing campaigns typically serve a specific purpose. When used correctly, it can result in new sales, a more informed consumer base, and a more clearly defined and recognizable brand identity. It is one of the quickest, most scalable, and cost-effective marketing solutions offered to businesses today. Whether completed in-house or delegated to a marketing agency, email marketing is an easy tactic to reach your target audience base without breaking the bank.

How Email Marketing Can Help

Email marketing regulations have evolved over the years. One of the more recent policy evolutions requires the ability to opt-in or out of receiving emails from your business. Knowing who has opted in gives the marketer a better sense of which pockets of clientele are more interested in hearing about future sales and service offerings.

Most customers want to stay informed on potential sales or new products and services your business may be offering in the future. Through email marketing, you can quickly notify that customer base, potentially increasing the likelihood of sales.

It’s also very easy to track return on investment. Your business can create different messages and keep track of which emails have the highest success rate in being opened and leading to a sale.

Besides promoting discounts for products or services, email marketing can also include informative newsletters or thank you messages that let your customers know that you appreciate their business. It also opens up a dialogue between you and the client. As a result, they may be more likely to become repeat customers.

Another way to engage with your customer base is through newsletter campaigns, which not only help define brand identity but can also be used to inform clients about upcoming sales or events.

About Christopher Lee

Christopher Lee is an expert in digital marketing and works as a Marketing Manager at WNY Holdings LLC. This customer-focused digital marketing agency serves to provide tailored marketing solutions for small businesses. Christopher Lee assists clients with all their digital marketing needs, from content marketing, website development, graphic design, media creation, SEO, and social media advertising.

John Morris
John Morrishttps://tenoblog.com
John Morris is a self-motivated person, a blogging enthusiast who loves to peek into the minds of innovative entrepreneurs. He's inspired by emerging tech & business trends and is dedicated to sharing his passion with readers.


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