Windows PCs have a lot of very powerful tools hidden under the surface. These tools are not made plainly obvious to users, but if you rely on your Windows PC for work, it is well worth knowing about them. If you aren’t a Windows expert, there is no need to worry – we spoke with London-based IT support company, TechQuarters, who happen to be a highly trusted Microsoft partner. Their experience with Windows means they are well-placed to advise their customers on the best way to utilize the tools available within the operating system. According to TechQuarters, Windows 10 & 11 offers users a lot more control over than they might think they can get, as well as a lot of useful features that can make work a lot better organised.
Whether you’re using your PC for work, for school, or for personal use, most people often multi-task. Fortunately, Windows 10 & 11 made it very easy to stay organised while managing multiple tasks.
Task View
Do you ever have difficulty tracking down an item in your desktop? Perhaps you’re working on multiple word documents at the same time, plus you have your web browser open, along with Spotify, WhatsApp, your emails, etc. It can often feel quite frustrating having to sift through all of the windows you have open to find the one you’re looking for. Fortunately, with Windows’ Task View, it is much easier to do this. Task View is essential a bird’s eye view of every window that is open on your PC; normally, you have perhaps one or two windows maximised on your screen, with the rest minimized, but the Task View shows you a thumbnail of every window you have open. You can easily scroll through the task view to quickly find the window you need.
Virtual Desktops
A lot of people use their PCs for multiple different things. They might use it for work and personal use; or perhaps school and personal use; some might even use it for all three things. If this is the case, it is useful to be able to segregate your work or school activities with your personal activities – and this is made incredibly easy with the use of Virtual Desktops. With virtual desktops on Windows 10 & 11, you can have different apps open in each desktop, thus allowing you to organize your workspace to a high degree. Do you have different projects you’re working for your job? Why not create different virtual desktops for each project, allowing you to easily switch between projects throughout your day?
Have you ever been in a situation where your PC has exhibited sluggish performance, and you don’t understand why? This is precisely the situation where running diagnostics can come in handy. There are a few easy to use tools for this.
Reliability Monitor
If you want to be able to keep a record of any bugs, errors, or crashes that have occurred on your PC, there is a specific utility available on Windows 10 & 11 for just this purpose. The Windows Reliability Monitor is a tool that collates a history of every software issues that your PC has experienced within a certain timeframe – this includes information events, warnings, and critical events. This tool is kept hidden from the average user, but it can be easily found by searching ‘Reliability’ and clicking the result named ‘View reliability history’. It allows you to view all problem reports, and save a history of them. This can be very useful, for instance, if you, or perhaps the IT department at your work, is attempting to troubleshoot an issue on your PC.
Task Manager
If you are wondering why your PC is operating slowly, the best place to start with investigating the problem is Windows Task Manager. This is a simply tool that monitors the CPU, RAM, disk, and network usage of every application and background process that is currently running on your PC. This can be very useful in a situation where you have several apps open at once, and you want to see which ones are taking up the most resources – you might then want to close down some of the apps, or non-essential processes, in order to free up resources and help your PC have better performance.
Storage & File Management
The performance of your PC is heavily influenced on storage and the management of your files. What is more, poor file management can make it harder to work.
File History
Have you ever been in a situation where you needed to recover an old version of a file, but it has already been overwritten? This is a very frustration, and very common, situation that can be solved with the Windows File History tool. File History essentially acts as a backup tool for your documents – a hard drive must be allocated (but this can be an external drive) and then the tool will take snapshots of your libraries, favourites, contacts, and desktop.
Storage Sense
Your hard drive can often get filled up without you realising. The main culprits are normally your recycle bin and your downloads folder. Storage sense is a great way to set up automatic purges of unnecessary files and data that are taking up space on your hard drive. Storage Sense can be configured a number of ways. For example, you can have it scan your hard drive every day, but you can make sure that it only deletes files that have remained unused for a certain period of time (such as more than 30 days). If you don’t like the idea of Storage Sense deleting files for you, you can also set it to move unused files to the Cloud, and delete the local versions – this way, it frees up hard drive space and you don’t lose the file.
Nearby Sharing
Sharing files and other resources between PCs has often been a tricky process. But if you have multiple Windows PCs sharing a network, there is a very useful tool for file sharing. Nearby Sharing utilizes Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, making it very easy to share files to local computers with just a few clicks on the mouse.