
10 Techniques To Increase The Sales Of A Store

Those who manage a business, especially those who manage a shop, know that the flow of sales can undergo important variations during the year. There are particularly positive moments, in which sales work for the best … but, on the contrary, it can happen that the flow stops suddenly more or less lasting.

How many shops, especially small ones, find it difficult to stabilize the sale of their products? That is why it is imperative for every merchant to know the techniques to increase the sales of a store.

In reality, there are no fixed rules, but there are some guidelines that, if taken into consideration, can gradually optimize the turnover of the business. Articulated sales strategies are not always needed, nor is it strictly necessary to invest financial resources in promotional activities.

In fact, without thinking about substantial investments, even a small clothing store, a bar or a pastry shop can significantly improve the sales flow.

How to increase sales? Most of the time the real push to sell in the store is given by the small tricks of those who manage the business. The strategic arrangement of the goods in the store, the accurate window dressing, the availability of the staff on duty and the few (but good) social media activities are excellent starting points.

Let’s find out together what are the best 10 techniques to increase the sales of a store

How to sell more in a shop? 10 winning methods

Here are 10 ideas for selling more:

  • The showcase is your business card: create a truly original one

It might seem trivial, but the window is really the first image that the customer perceives of the store. If you want to increase your sales, the real starting point is window dressing. First of all, to create a screaming showcase it is important to choose a vonhaus discount code, a setting, a scenography. It is essential that the customer recognizes himself in the window, that he is attracted and intrigued by it.

Once the background has been chosen, it is the turn of the product selection. A very common mistake concerns the number of products displayed: it is always better to highlight less, only in this way each product will acquire the right value.

In fact, the overcrowding of the shop window often communicates inconsistency and disorder, the first two causes of customers’ lack of interest. Also there the choice of lights is essential: they must be able to enhance the products on display. The shop window must not only show, but it must also communicate: each product must have its own price clearly visible, even more so if it is about promotional goods.

Finally, it is essential to renew oneself. How to renovate a shop? By modifying your window periodically: the change will communicate a sense of novelty to the customer, intriguing him and pushing him to always enter the store.

  • Place the goods strategically, especially in the checkout area

If the showcase is fundamental, the internal organization of the products is not far behind. In fact, one of the most effective sales techniques of a store is the attention to the arrangement of the goods inside. First, it is essential to position the flagship products at an average height for the customer.

In fact, according to numerous marketing and visual merchandising studies, the customer first sees products that are at their height. For this reason, whether it is a clothing store, a perfumery, or a delicatessen, it is important to study the arrangement of the goods on the shelves. At eye level must be placed the leading products, those that you want to sell at all costs.

The preparation of the checkout area deserves particular attention. In this area, in fact, there should be a series of complementary products to those already purchased, possibly with low prices. For example, in a shoe store, it is advisable to display laces or leather shoe polish in the checkout area. These low-cost products will be perceived as indispensable to improve purchase and, almost certainly, will be bought repeatedly.

  • Teach your staff the art of cross-selling

To increase the sales of a store, cross-selling is a fundamental technique. What is it about? In the sale to the customer of a complimentary product in addition to the one they have just decided to buy. Who is in charge of this process? Sales staff. Here is an example: if a customer is buying an elegant suit in a clothing store, the clerk can propose a tie or bow tie in combination.

This is cross-selling: offering the customer a complementary product to the one purchased. To make this procedure effective it is essential to train your staff. Every shop assistant needs to know what complementary items are for each product. It is essential that the second product is cheaper than the first and that, possibly, it is on promotion.

The customer must not perceive cross-selling as an attempt to sell, but as a friend’s advice from the staff, as something advantageous, that enhances and completes their purchase.

  • Don’t offer too many alternatives to the customer: it creates the illusion of scarcity

One of the techniques most used by shopkeepers to increase the sales of their store is that of the illusion of scarcity. In fact, many studies state that the more a product is perceived as not very available, the more interesting and valuable it becomes in the eyes of buyers.

This is why it is essential to create the illusion of scarcity: for example, create limited-time offers, the classic “Discount valid for 24 hours” or “Offer to expire”. Or again, it is useful, especially for those who manage an online store, to highlight the products running out: “Last 5 pieces available” or “Product almost sold out”. All these techniques will allow the customer to perceive the product as more important and valuable.

Furthermore, another important precaution concerns the quantity of the goods on display. It is always advisable to offer the customer little choice: the more he has the possibility to choose, the less he will materially conclude the purchase. Display products with few colors, with few variations: your sales will end more easily.

  • Add a very expensive alternative to better sell an average product

Very often people associate low prices with poor quality, and vice versa, high prices with particularly high quality. For this reason, when you want to sell a product with an average price, it is essential to put the consumer in front of three alternatives, all concerning the same type of goods: a very cheap product, the average price product that you want to sell and a product with a price. very high.

In this case, the average customer will associate the cheapest product with a lower quality level, the too expensive one will exclude it to save money, and will automatically find himself buying what he wanted to sell since it will be perceived as the one with the best quality/price. This technique works in most cases: proposing two alternatives with opposite prices to push the sale of an average product.

  • Accompany the customer with in-store background music

No one would ever say that, but the background music is the best of promotional ideas for shops. In fact, background music is able to positively influence the purchasing process of customers. Like? Firstly, it creates a friendly atmosphere inside the shop.

It helps to differentiate the departments: for example, those who sell clothes will be able to put pop music in the sportswear department and classical music in the eveningwear department. Some marketing studies claim that customers feel pleasantly enticed to buy thanks to music, especially when it comes to impulse purchases. Finally, the background music helps to keep the staff’s good mood high, essential for creating a positive relationship with the customer.

  • Offer something free to the customer

Offering something for free to the customer is also one of the best promotional activities for increasing a store’s sales. It is always the marketing studies that affirm this: customers who receive a gift from the shopkeeper are more likely to conclude the purchase.

You can offer a pen, a sticker or just a coffee if your shop has a small relaxation area for customers. If, on the other hand, it is an e-commerce, the offer could be a personalized discount code or a welcome coupon sent by email. The customer who receives something as a gift will feel especially valued: for this reason, he will particularly encourage to conclude the purchase.

  • Guarantee all payment methods: each customer prefers a different one

One of the most important techniques to increase the sales of a store is the choice of payment methods. In fact, whether it is a physical point of sale or an online store, the customer must always have the possibility to use their preferred payment system. There are those who prefer to pay in cash, those who find it more convenient to pay by card, and those who use smartphones and smartwatches to make their transactions.

If it is a point of sale, the shopkeeper must always have a POS payment terminal accept electronic payments, which have been widespread in recent years. On the contrary, when it comes to e-commerce, it is always advisable to rely on safe and secure online payment systems, which allow the customer to pay quickly and easily. Customers who can pay with their preferred methods will be satisfied, resulting in a significantly higher return probability.

  • Use the web to be found and social media to advertise and create a community

For any business, it is now essential to be present online. It does not matter if it is clothing, cosmetics, or food store: the image on the web is always fundamental. The first useful tip for any business to use is the potential of Google to be found locally.

Thanks to Google Maps and Google My Business, in fact, it is possible to be easily found by online customers. My Business is free and will allow you to create a real showcase of the online store, with opening and closing times, photographs, geographical location, and reviews.

Furthermore, it recommended creating your own website. The e-commerce site must be simple and intuitive: there are several platforms to create one, they are simple to use and have particularly low costs (WordPress, Shopify, WooCommerce, PrestaShop, etc.). Last but not least, it is essential to create a presence of the activity on Social Networks. Facebook, Linked In and Instagram are the big industry leaders and can use to create a real customer community.

For example, Facebook will be useful for creating events, Instagram for sharing product photos, and LinkedIn for creating a professional network with other businesses in the industry. Furthermore, social networks allow you to create a particularly close bond with your customers. They allow you to communicate daily and in a familiar way, creating a solid and lasting relationship.

  • Request the customer’s email address: create a lasting relationship with the Newsletters

Another technique to increase the sales of a store involves customer loyalty. If a customer repeatedly relies on the store for their purchases, sales will increase considerably. How to build customer loyalty? By creating a solid and lasting relationship with him. In order to create an ongoing relationship, it is essential to ask the customer for an email address.

In this way, it will be possible to send periodic communications with discounts, promotions, and useful information. It will no longer be necessary to bring the customer to the store: you can communicate with him simply by email. But, customers don’t release their email for free – you need to request it in exchange for something. The solution could be to offer a Fidelity Card or a discount code.

Finally, retaining customers is also essential for advertising your business. In fact, a loyal customer will be happy to post positive feedback online about the store. Users rely heavily on reviews: getting positive feedback is essential to expand your business.

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