
13 Rules for Good Coding

Coding can become comfortable and reap more with less effort than usual. In this case, one can use a small guidebook to sieve through the difficulties and common mistakes.

Here are 13 tips that will help you immensely in coding effectively.

#1. Keeping it simple

Having a complex code makes it difficult for manifolds. For starters, it allows more bugs, and subsequently, you would need more time to debug it. This will take a lot of space, time, and resources. Secondly, after a point, updates will take longer.

#2. Commenting

An essential part of coding since it helps to get a crux without having to read the whole code. Besides, the method used can be explained for updates or changes needed. It is handier than most coders think it to be, and it’s helpful to many.

#3. Readability over-optimization

It is essential to consider that readability will promote changes that optimization can’t. The latter only makes things complicated. So, always write a code that is simpler to read. The time and money spent on such a code will be much higher and will eventually reap more benefits.

#4. Code Review

Having a code review should be done to improve quality. It is necessary to keep in check the mistakes and get possible corrections. All reviews should be written keeping in mind the logistical errors or fallacies. The rate of risk comes down significantly when everyone is allotted work, and the reviewing is done systematically.

#5. Testing

Not every time do you need testing for your code. There are times when it proves to be irrelevant, unnecessary, and time-consuming. If there is a constant change in the code, you need not test it. Similarly, codes that involve financial channels and open source code need testing for surety.

#6. Interactive developing

Do not write everything at once. Give the most valuable features to your clients based on your analysis. Only promise something good in quality, and you can develop in the short term. Realistic updates should be worked on, and quality should not be compromised.

#7. Give yourself a break

Fresh mindset allows you to work better since your mind gets a break. Coding can be quite taxing and cumbersome, so catch a break in between work hours. Get fresh air, practice hobbies, or talk to a friend to get refreshed and give your mind a safe space to restore.

#8. Preference for architecture

Knowing the architecture is like giving a structure and planning to your coding. While a lot of people tend not to give this a lot of attention, they end up suffering because of that irresponsible action. Before starting, one should know the hows, whys, and whats thoroughly.

#9. Learning shouldn’t stop

The coding industry will always have something new to talk about. Never stop yourself from knowing the latest developments in the field. Keep indulging in discussions and debates and sharing knowledge. But make sure to learn as well, it keeps your brain active always.

#10. Refactoring should not be an option

Unless you have the money to start over, refactoring can prove to be a bad idea. You will end up in debt or with a problematic code, to say the least. So, don’t depend on future technology to dictate your present decisions.

#11. Write only when you can focus

As cliche as it sounds, having a focus is extremely important. If you are tired or in a bad mood, your mental processes will slow down significantly and increase the rate of bugs in the coding. Your tiredness is not always correlated to time; it is associated with mental effort.

#12. Micro-services for the win

Using them will enable you with better process distribution. This means that even though they run slower than monolithic software, they give you the possibility of efficient delivery. Having reliable developers work for you will provide you with ease in this case.

#13. Automation

For long term-use, automation works well. It has a 100% rate of success vs. manual work. First off, manual work takes effort that can be avoided easily. Secondly, this effort is taking time and time is money, so it costs you more than you can imagine.

The information was taken from the source: https://brights.io/

Steve Max
Steve Maxhttp://www.webzando.com/
A long time digital entrepreneur, Steve has been in digital marketing since 2010 and over the past decade he has built & executed innovative online strategies for leading companies in car insurance, retail shopping, professional sports and the movie & television industry.


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