
5 Reasons Why Push Notifications are Important for Advertisers & Businesses

What are Push Notifications?

Push notifications are unique messages that pop up on a customer’s device’s screen, forcing them to take immediate action. These are composed of media like GIF, image or video. These messages are a bit different from traditional messages as they can only be delivered to users’ devices after getting their one time permission to allow notifications.

Once the permission is granted by the user, the sender is in authority to send notifications any time and in any number regarding any subject. It doesn’t matter whether the user was presently using the app or not. These notifications can be sent to app users on their android devices through apps installed on devices and are known as android push notifications.

5 reasons why push Notifications are important for advertisers & business:

Push notifications have become a need these days for any business to survive in a competitive environment where everyone desires to attract maximum customers to their respective platforms. In order to achieve targets android push notification marketing is used in the form of weapon to boost customer engagement and later converting to successful transactions.

This is so because almost every person checks its mobile phone as their primary task when waking up in the morning, and when he/she is entertained with push notification it keeps his/her mind occupied with that notification forcing them to take action.

According to the “business of apps” website, on an average basis a US Smartphone user receives 46 app push notifications in a single day.

According to “Accengage’s” Opt-in rate for push notifications via apps was 91.1% for the Android.

There are various reasons to use push notifications in advertising and business,  among them top 5 are:

#1. Cheap as compared to other methods: Push notifications are much cheaper as compared to other methods of advertising especially for new and small business groups that are struggling with the budget. Not only is it advantageous for small business groups, but even large business owners can also use them to reach maximum customers and enhance their sales.

#2. Better way to earn profit by giving user experience at a higher level: In a market full of competition, especially when it comes to enterprise companies you need to stand out from the competition even in minor details that means more focus is required on user experience. Better the user experience more customers will attach and can be retained for a long period of time. As a result more sales and finally more profit for you.

#3. Promotion of new products and offers: Android Push Notifications is an effective technique that can help to offer your newly launched products to maximum users. Not only this you can also invite them to shop with you more by offering eye catching discounts as this motivates them to go for things even if they are not planned by them earlier.

#4. Helps in capturing more and good quality leads: A low lead count and low lead quality is the factor that agonizes many business owners as visitors are unwilling to provide personal information. Further, they do not show any interest in filling lead generation forms. But by using push notifications your dependency on lead information is reduced, and with permission in the form of a single click from subscribers, you can engage them easily without asking for personal information.

#5. Customization and fast delivery: Android push notifications can be sent instantly all over the world. That means you got something new, and you can reach your users within no time. More-over you can add visuals and emoji’s which further provides an eye catching effect to viewers that further creates an urge to see the notification in detail. You can also customize at what time your user will see the notification, for enhancing your chances, as customers will think of closing a deal right on the spot.

Conclusion: Today Customers are considered as the central focus of every business plan. Retention of customers demands a tailored communication which requires a unique strategy. This strategy is provided to you in the form of push notifications, which takes your business to every corner of the world by simply illuminating their device’s screen on your single click. With an app opening rate of 90% as shown in a study, that is 50% higher than email marketing, the fact can’t be denied that push notifications are future marketers.

Steve Max
Steve Maxhttp://www.webzando.com/
A long time digital entrepreneur, Steve has been in digital marketing since 2010 and over the past decade he has built & executed innovative online strategies for leading companies in car insurance, retail shopping, professional sports and the movie & television industry.


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