
How to Re-Build a High Converting Landing Page

Marketing alone is not enough to improve profits. A well-optimized landing page is one of the key elements that drive customers down the sales funnel. It helps to convert interest visitors into buying customers. The average landing page conversion across all industries is 9.7%. Using it in your marketing strategy can help you see significant results.

A well-designed landing page can boost search click-through rates and improves the user experience. In fact, addressing the fears of buyers in this space can improve sales potential by 80%. However, you will need to ensure that the landing page is mobile responsive, not too slow and does not ask for too many details right in the beginning.

Generating leads with stellar designs is not too tough. Here’s a look at the anatomy of a good page to improve your conversion rates.

Declutter the Page

Try to keep a minimalist approach. Add essentials like a headline, CTA button and necessary links. Make sure the page is free of distractions. Ask exactly what is needed, like an email address. Keep the information to the point. The page should be clean and visual, but without too many infographics, images and videos. Choose large fonts, simplify the navigation and avoid using bright colors. Customers must feel inspired and excited. It will help them take meaningful action.

Trust Indicators

A visible logo above the folds, customer testimonials, visible website encryption seal and certifications are cues that help potential buyers trust your company. Social media proofs and celebrity endorsements are helpful too. These can persuade visitors to click on the CTA button. Studies have found that 97% of consumers read reviews and conversions can increase by 37% at 100 views. But avoid overenthusiastic posts that might look fake.

Clear Call-To-Action

Avoid overly fancy or generic CTAS. For example, Join the Adventure, Submit Here or Let’s Jump into It do not make sense. Instead, use the ones that are effective and can evoke a sense of curiosity. For example, Netflix uses “Cancel Anytime,” which shows no commitments and zero risks. Other powerful ones are “Download Now,” “Pick Up Here” or “Sign Up for Free.” These are simple and can encourage customers to click on them.

Right Color Choice

There are ample ways to use grading and overlays to your business’ advantage to impact purchase decisions. Color psychology is a hot topic in marketing and has quite an impact on consumer behavior, since it relates to their underlying personality traits. Red evokes power and love, blue is good for trust, yellow can be used to ensure joy and happiness and black for sophistication. Don’t forget to leave some white space while adding colors. The right combination can make a great difference to how the visitors react to your brand.

Show a product in use. Add photos of people from your target communities. Make clear offers and use the pops ups correctly to avoid blocking the screen. These can go a long way to create a page that will enhance the conversion rate.

Steve Max
Steve Maxhttp://www.webzando.com/
A long time digital entrepreneur, Steve has been in digital marketing since 2010 and over the past decade he has built & executed innovative online strategies for leading companies in car insurance, retail shopping, professional sports and the movie & television industry.


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