
3 Things to Consider Before Launching Your Own Blog

Whether intended for fun or as for an additional source of income, blogging can represent a worthwhile venture. Tens of thousands of new bloggers enter into the online community on a regular basis and, naturally, some are more successful than others. It is estimated that there are more than 31.7 million bloggers in the United States alone. Although this is excellent news in terms of your ability to establish a digital foothold, we must also keep in mind that such numbers equate to a fair amount of competition. This is why creating a sound strategy from the very beginning is crucial. Let’s look at three professional suggestions to keep in mind to ensure that you are headed in the right direction.

Maintaining a Set Routine

Many industry professionals highlight that the main issue associated with a poor blogging strategy involves a notable lack of discipline. Much as with any home-based venture, you need to be able to allocate a reasonable amount of time to your venture daily. We need to remember that blogging requires a great deal of effort and commitment. A haphazard or otherwise “loose” approach will virtually guarantee that your goals are not met. So, here are some useful suggestions to adopt:

  • Set aside time each day to devote to the blog.
  • Avoid distractions that might detract from your efforts.
  • Try to write during the hours of the day when you feel the most creative.
  • Do not push yourself if you feel tired or overwhelmed.

Developing a well-defined routine will help to ensure that you can exercise the right amount of focus when required.

The Importance of Media Content and SEO

Many individuals view traditional blogs as nothing more than long blocks of text. While there is no doubt that quality content goes a long way, we also need to remember that visitors now expect much more than a handful of witty catchphrases and written insight. Instead, it is always a good idea to embed media content within the pages. This can include images and hyperlinks to third-party channels such as YouTube. Not only will such a strategy help to reinforce the content itself, but it will appeal to those who are accessing your blog from mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets.

The importance of SEO is also critical if you hope to make an impact on the intended audience. However, the concept of SEO has come a long way in recent years. So-called “black-hat” practices such as keyword stuffing and blind links are now prohibited by major search engines, and if you happen to be caught out, your content will suffer accordingly. Be sure to stick within the guidelines so that your page does not incur any penalties. Some common suggestions include:

  • Maintaining a keyword density of between one and three percent.
  • Creating a meta title and a meta description.
  • Using the proper HTML coding.
  • Linking to authoritative websites when appropriate.

The most successful bloggers always make sure to keep on top of the latest SEO suggestions published by Google and similar authoritative sources. A bit of research will go a long way in this respect.

Choosing a Catchy and Memorable Blog Name

We can think of a blog name as a digital “billboard” that will draw attention to the content within. This is why selecting the most appropriate title is arguably the most crucial step before any real writing begins. So, what goes into a blog name, and are there any additional concerns to address?

Blog names should immediately jump out at the reader. They can represent a play on words or a rhyming phrase. Make sure that the title is evergreen so that it will not have to be changed in the future. As a general rule of thumb, shorter and snappy names are often more effective than longer phrases that are difficult to remember. Above all, make sure that the name of the blog accurately describes the content so that it is not misleading the visitor.

Some questions about copyrights and trademarks have come to light in recent times. Most experts agree that it might not be worth trademarking your blog name if the portal in question is intended to be used for nothing more than a bit of entertainment. However, this is not necessarily the case if the blog will be promoting a specific product or service. It may be wise to consider a trademark to avoid duplicate sites from popping up and riding the coattails of your success. The good news is that this process is simple and straightforward.

Launching a blog could represent the first step on the road to digital success. Still, always keep in mind that there is much more to blogging than first meets the eye if you hope to make a lasting impression. It is, therefore, a good idea to refer back to the suggestions mentioned above so that you can fully leverage the power of this digital domain.

Steve Max
Steve Maxhttp://www.webzando.com/
A long time digital entrepreneur, Steve has been in digital marketing since 2010 and over the past decade he has built & executed innovative online strategies for leading companies in car insurance, retail shopping, professional sports and the movie & television industry.


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