
5 Vital Tips to Plan a Memorable Anniversary Party

A wedding anniversary is always special, be it the five year anniversary of your friends or the golden jubilee milestone year of your parents. This is a great way to commemorate the time spent together by the couple.

An anniversary is not only the time to honor the couple’s relationship and their togetherness, but it also allows the near and dear ones to let the couple know how much their union has inspired them and has offered them direction in life.

It is true that most of the people want this to be a close-knit family affair. But there are some who want to hook in their friends, too. Here are some of the tips that will help you throw an anniversary party that the couple will remember for years to come.

  • Set a Date – The first step to hosting the perfect wedding anniversary is setting the date for the celebration. It is always advisable that you should set the date close to the actual date of the anniversary of the couple. You should also keep it in mind to set the date a few months in advance so that you can have time to plan the party. If you are organizing the party for a couple then you should ask them about which date will be suitable for them. If, as a couple, you are arranging for the occasion then you should send the “save the date” cards on time so that you can make your children and loved ones aware of time, so that who are traveling from afar can get prepared to attend the occasion. You should also consider the time of the party as a day party will look completely different from a night celebration.
  • Select the Location – The location of the anniversary is of crucial significance. You should select the location on the basis of the number of people that you are inviting and the formality of the event. If you are hosting a small dinner or get-together then you can arrange it at the couple’s house or at the place of a relative. You can also rent out a private room at the restaurant or a hotel. Again, if you are thinking of hosting a large formal gathering then you can rent a hotel ballroom or a venue space. There are a plethora of venue options for you starting from the house of the couple, a relative’s place, a country club banquet or a hotel ballroom, a gallery, a Church Hall, a restaurant private room or a club or a lounge.

It has been usually seen that couples celebrating ten years of their wedding or more usually go for a formal party. This is especially true for couples who are celebrating their 25th or 50th anniversary.

  • Opt for an Anniversary Party Theme –Remember that the anniversary party theme should be reflective of the couple and should be something interesting. In order to ensure that the decorations are flamboyant and cohesive, most of the wedding anniversary themes are colour-based. But if you are throwing more off-the-wall themes then you can go for a southwest inspired celebrations or a rustic outdoors dinner. A theme can also be built around the symbol of the couple’s anniversary year. For example the symbol and color of the 25th anniversary is silver. That is why you should include silver in the décor and celebrations of the anniversary party.
  • Plan Up the Food and the Drinks – One of the most vital steps for planning your anniversary is keeping the guests full and content. At the time of arranging the food for the occasion, you should set the budget prior to hitting the grocery. If it is a small family affair then you can cook yourself and go for a buffet style setup. But, on the contrary, if you have a crowd of at least, 30 people then you should appoint a catering service to take care of the food. This will help you to avoid the stress of having to cook for such a huge number of guests.
  • Choose Entertainment – Anniversary parties always include a lot of entertainment and that is why you should organize for entertainment like music and DJs to keep the party in full swing. You can go for hiring a band if you want the party to experience live music. No matter what option you try for, you should secure entertainment in advance so that you don’t face last minute trouble. Keep in mind that the anniversary couple is the stars of the event. That is why you should ask the DJ to play their favorite songs in the loop.

The above are some of the tips that are suggested by the proficient and reputed party planning company for organizing a wedding anniversary. If you follow the above religiously you will surely be able to throw a party that will be cherished by the couple as well as the guests for years to come.

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