
How to Disable Fast User Switching in Windows 10

Fast User Switching in Windows 10 is a useful feature as it allows multiple users to sign in by providing the feature of quick switch from one user account to the other. However, there are some disadvantages that may come with it. One big problem is that the user cannot shut down the computer if the other account is signed in, or else all the unsaved work is lost with minimum recovery options. Another issue is that when more than one account is signed in, Windows uses extra resources on them in order to keep the background services active. Therefore, if your device has multiple users, but do not want to use this feature, you only have to disable Fast User Switching Windows 10 by following the methods mentioned below:

Group Policy:

To disable Fast User Switching Windows 10 by Group Policy, do the following steps:

  • Use the Windows Key and press R to pop open the Run dialog box.
  • Here you type “gpedit.msc” before pressing enter.
  • The Local Group Policy Editor console opens, first expand to Local Computer Policy, then Computer Configuration, then Administrative Temples, then System and Logon in the end. The node sequence goes like this:
  • Local Computer Policy\Computer Configuration\Administrative Temples\System\Logon
  • Look at the right side panel and open “Hide Entry Points for Fast User Switching”.
  • In the opened properties, you click on “Enabled” to uncheck it.
  • Then choose the “Disable” option to disable the feature.

Disable Fast User Switching

Once these steps are completed, reboot your computer. Your user profile will now show the Fast User Switching feature. This way the users will have to save their work and then log out in order to let the other user use the system. The same method can be applied to revert the changes, only the “enable” and “disable” options are reciprocated.



If not via group policy, you can also disable Fast User Switching Feature Windows 10 by modifying the Registry. Here’s how you can do it.

  • Press Windows Key + R to open the Run dialog box.
  • This time you type “regedit” and press Enter.
  • Here select HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, then SOFTWARE, Microsoft, Windows, CurrentVersion, Policies, and System. The sequence is:
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE|SOFTWARE|Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Policies\System
  • Find the value called HideFastUserSwitching.
  • If it isn’t there, right click on System and select New DWORD 32-bit value. After that, type HideFastUserSwitching after pressing Enter. This Enter creates the value.
  • While double clicking the HideFastUserSwitching, you change the Value data to “1” make sure that the feature is disabled. When it is “0”, it’s enabled.
  • Click OK.

Disable Fast User Switching Windows 10

You have to restart the device after completing steps and then check the Start Menu to see if the option of Fast User Switching is available or not. To enable it again, you need to change the value from 1 to 0. You can also simply right click on the option of HideFastSwitching and choose “Delete” to remove the feature.

John Morris
John Morrishttps://tenoblog.com
John Morris is a self-motivated person, a blogging enthusiast who loves to peek into the minds of innovative entrepreneurs. He's inspired by emerging tech & business trends and is dedicated to sharing his passion with readers.


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