
Larry Greenfield, New York-Based Fitness Coach Shares 5 Reasons to Try Hot Yoga

One of the most popular forms of yoga is hot yoga. As this article demonstrates, there is an explanation for why it has become so popular. Five great reasons to try hot yoga are presented by fitness coach Larry Greenfield, New-York based fitness guru with over 40 years of experience.

Hot yoga takes place in a room that is heated between 80 and 100 degrees Fahrenheit and includes a variety of different and often challenging poses. Hot yoga incorporates swift movements from pose to pose without much rest in between.

Hot Yoga is a Great Workout

Some people may associate yoga with an easy workout that mostly involves stretching. That’s not the case, especially when it comes to hot yoga. You need strength for hot yoga and the poses flow very quickly, which is a great aerobic workout.

Get Your Sweat On

It goes without saying that you will sweat — maybe like you’ve never sweat before! This will be a detoxifying process for your body in addition to torching calories. Research shows that when we sweat, we rid our bodies of toxins including lead, mercury, arsenic, and other chemicals. All of the sweat can even help you drop several pounds in one class.

Hot Yoga Can Help With Thyroid Problems

Hypothyroidism is an underactive thyroid gland and it is the most common thyroid disorder. People who suffer from this condition have a hard time breaking a sweat. When they exercise in a hot room like during hot yoga, they will certainly be able to actually break a sweat. This can help free up thyroid receptors to use iodine which will help the thyroid work efficiently.

Hot Yoga Can Help Improve Your Flexibility

The temperatures inside of a hot yoga studio are sometimes up to 105 degrees Fahrenheit. Something you may not know is that warmth allows your muscles to stretch a lot easier. So, the steamy hot yoga studio will enable you to increase your range of motion and stretch longer and deeper. This will do wonders for your body as well as for your confidence. Think about how we warm up our muscles by stretching them before exercise. When you are stretching in a hot yoga studio, your body gets warmer a lot quicker, enabling added flexibility.

Hot Yoga Improves Lung Health

The breathing exercises that you will participate in during hot yoga are great for your lungs. They can help train your lungs to hold more air. Deep breaths force the lungs to expand more than they usually do, enabling more oxygen to enter your bloodstream and flow to other organs in your body. What’s more, most people only use 50 percent of their lung capacity. When you practice deep breathing in hot yoga, you are able to help increase the capacity of your lungs. The more you practice deep breathing, the more flexible your lungs will become. Hot yoga has even been shown to help with the side effects and difficulties of COPD.

Any kind of exercise, especially in the heat like hot yoga, will help you burn calories, lose weight, and increase your overall health. As with starting most exercise routines, make sure you check with your doctor before starting hot yoga, especially if you are pregnant or have any underlying health conditions. And don’t forget your water!

About Larry Greenfield

Larry Greenfield is a certified fitness coach from New York, NY, who specializes in helping men and women over 40 get into the best shape of their life. Through years of experience, he’s discovered that personalizing his approach to fit each client’s needs and aiming for long-term results is the best path to improve his clients’ lifestyle. When he is not working, Larry enjoys fitness, art, traveling, and outdoor activities with his family.

Steve Max
Steve Maxhttp://www.webzando.com/
A long time digital entrepreneur, Steve has been in digital marketing since 2010 and over the past decade he has built & executed innovative online strategies for leading companies in car insurance, retail shopping, professional sports and the movie & television industry.


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