
What to Do While Recovering From Myomectomy?

Myomectomy is a surgical procedure that helps in getting rid of uterine fibroids. Fibroids usually give rise to extreme menstrual pain, bleeding and also interferes in your ability to be a mother. A doctor usually recommends this surgical procedure to women who are currently suffering from conditions like –

  • Pelvic pain
  • A heavy flow of period
  • Irregular bleeding
  • Uncontrolled frequent urination

Fibroids are categorized based on their location, like-

  • Intramural- Arises in the uterine wall.
  • Submucosal- Arises in the uterine lining or endometrium, which results in excessive menstrual bleeding and pain.
  • Subserosal- Arises from the exterior wall of the uterus and looks like a long stalk.

A surgeon can perform myomectomy in three possible methods-

  1. In abdominal myomectomy, the surgeon usually performs an open surgery in the lower abdomen to get rid of the fibroids.
  2. In laparoscopic myomectomy, the surgeon removes the fibroids through small incisions and this procedure may also be performed robotically. The best part about undergoing this procedure is that it is the least invasive procedure and involves a minimum recovery period, especially if compared to abdominal myomectomy.
  3. The last procedure is Hysteroscopic myomectomy that involves removing fibroids through the vagina and cervix as well.

What is recovery like after myomectomy surgery?

The recovery time of myomectomy depends on which surgical procedure you undergo. However, some amount of pain and discomfort is apparent, but doctors usually provide medications for the pain to treat discomfort. Most of the women experience spotting for a few weeks or a few days after undergoing the surgical procedure.

Now the downtime depends on what surgical procedure you have undergone. Open surgery usually takes a long time to recover, whereas another surgery involves a shorter recovery time. The abdominal myomectomy recovery period is about four to six weeks, whereas laparoscopic myomectomy its two to four weeks and hysteroscopic myomectomy it’s two to three days.

The myomectomy recovery tips involve certain restrictions like avoid lifting up a heavy-weight, avoid performing strenuous activity until the incisions have completely healed. It is only a doctor who will suggest when to resume such activities only after the final check-up. If you have any questions about anything, then you may ask your doctor about it during your consultation.

You will probably not be able to have safe sex for six weeks after undergoing the procedure. If you have never been a mother, then you must ask your doctor about it and start your attempts. Your uterus may need three to six months to heal completely after removing the fibroid from the womb.

What are the complications and risks?

Any surgical procedure can include the risk of bleeding and infection. However, if patients follow the myomectomy recovery tips provided by the surgeon, then there are the least chances to experience any infection. However, the following are some of the potential risks that are involved-

  • Infection
  • Excessive bleeding
  • Damage to any other organs
  • Perforation in uterus
  • A scar tissue that blocks the fallopian tube that may give rise to fertility issues
  • Formation of new fibroid may also result in another procedure

But if you experience any of the following symptoms, then you must consult your doctor immediately-

  • Heavy bleeding
  • Fever
  • Severe pain
  • Trouble in breathing

Scarring is not a very uncommon condition in an abdominal myomectomy procedure. The scar will be around the pubic hairline which fades over time. For several months the scar area may feel numb, but you will gradually start feeling normal. However, even if you feel some pain, then it is important to follow the instructions that are provided by the surgeon.

Taking care of yourself at home

As mentioned, it is very important to follow the post-op myomectomy recovery tips that are provided by the surgeon to ensure a fast and safe recovery. Some of their suggestion includes –

  • Try getting maximum possible rest
  • Do not keep standing for a long time especially during the first two weeks
  • Never forget to take your medications right on time and stick to the restrictions that are provided by the surgeon.
  • After two weeks, you must start working for about 10 minutes a day only if your surgeon permits you.

The different surgical procedures will involve different recovery times, so ask your surgeon when they can return to their work. Typically it is within two to six weeks of undergoing the procedure they can resume their work.

However, anyone undergoing a myomectomy procedure must consult with their surgeon and gain knowledge about the procedure they are undergoing. This surgical procedure removes tumors only that are called fibroids. Most of these tumors grow in the muscular wall of the uterus. The type of myomectomy procedure undergone depends on the size, type, and number of fibroids. Surgeons usually keep the uterus and ovary intact after removing the fibroids.

John Morris
John Morrishttps://tenoblog.com
John Morris is a self-motivated person, a blogging enthusiast who loves to peek into the minds of innovative entrepreneurs. He's inspired by emerging tech & business trends and is dedicated to sharing his passion with readers.


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