Heart disease is the number one cause of death in America, claiming approximately 655,000 lives yearly. As such, it’s something that all of us Americans need to be cognizant of.
Wondering what causes cardiac complications or how to diagnose heart arrhythmia? Looking to better understand your heart? Read on for more information!
Causes of Cardiovascular Disease
The causes of cardiovascular disease are many. We’ll cover some of the most common causes below.
Poor Diet
Perhaps the most common cause of cardiovascular diseases is poor diet. Those with diets high in sodium and saturated fats are much more susceptible to heart problems, as are those with high cholesterol.
Our best advice is to eat, well, eat a healthy heart diet. Eat everything in moderation and make sure that your meals are balanced across the various food groups.
Lack of Exercise
Exercise is vital for a number of reasons, not the least of which is keeping your heart healthy. Those who exercise regularly have higher levels of good cholesterol. Plus, they tend to carry less weight around, putting less strain on the cardiovascular system.
It’s recommended that you exercise for at least 30 minutes a day, 4 days a week. Cardiovascular exercise (like running, brisk walking, and bicycling) is most beneficial for heart health, though resistance training is certainly better than nothing.
Stress is a common cause of heart disease as well, whether it be due to physical or psychological factors. See, stress creates more cortisol in the body, which leads to increased blood pressure and cholesterol.
As such, you need to remember to take it easy from time to time. Downtime is not just an option, it’s a necessity.
Symptoms of Heart Disease
Now that we’ve discussed the causes of heart disease, we’re going to discuss the symptoms of heart disease. They include the following:
Shortness of Breath
One symptom to look out for is shortness of breath. If you become winded much more easily than you used to, you could be suffering from a form of heart disease at this very moment.
Chest Pressure
One of the most obvious signs of heart disease is chest pressure. If you feel tightness in your chest on a regular basis, your heart could very well have something to do with it.
Weakened Limbs
Do your arms or legs seem to be . . . heavy? Do you feel as though you have less strength than you once did? If so, heart disease could be the culprit.
High Blood Pressure
One last symptom to look out for is high blood pressure. High blood pressure indicates a narrowing of the arteries. As time passes, this problem could result in a number of negative effects (ie. heart attack, stroke, etc.).
Cardiac Complications Can Be Avoided
Though they’re exceedingly common, cardiac complications can be avoided. By exercising regularly, getting ample sleep, and eating a healthy diet, you can maintain good heart health.
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