
Why Beach Clean-Ups Are Important

One of the most popular reasons to visit So Cal is its beaches. From the many watersports to the marine wildlife, this slice of heaven on the Pacific Coast is majestic, but only if everyone works together to keep it that way. How can we protect the ocean and its many amazing resources? One simple way is by cleaning up the beach. Let’s look at why beach cleanups matter and how everyone can make a difference.

Save the Whales

The sea life in San Diego is plentiful, with seals, sea lions, dolphins, and migrating whales attracting tourists throughout the year. With a beach clean-up, you can reduce the amount of trash, especially cigarette butts and drinking straws, that find their way into the waters. Even worse, some animals mistake the garbage for food, so by keeping it out of the water, you may literally save an animal.

Protect the Waters

Can you imagine booking San Diego private boat tours and seeing the water filled with scraps of plastic and debris? It might not sound like a reality, but there are at leave five gigantic garbage patches floating in the world’s oceans right now. This is not a problem that is going to go away on its own. The trash in the water can leak toxic chemicals as well, so it presents a danger to the ecosystem in more than one way.

Help the Economy

If the beaches are constantly dirty or the water closed because of unsafe conditions from bacteria or chemicals, the local economy could take a major hit. Whether you live in San Diego or vacation as a tourist, you want to be able to enjoy the shores for biking, walking, tidal pool exploring, surfing, and a whole host of other beach-centric activities. A beach cleanup keeps the parks and communities in good condition for everyone to appreciate.

Do Your Part

Most people do not realize how badly beach cleanup San Diego is needed until they witness it for themselves. Rather than assuming the problem will go away on its own, it is up to everyone to pitch in and get the job done. Some of the things that you can do now to help include the following:

Skip plastic utensils and straws when you pick up food and take it to the beach. You can easily stash reusable straws or forks and spoons in a beach bag for your al fresco dining.

If you see it, pick it up. Keep an extra bag in your tote to gather trash you see during your beach day or collect recyclable water bottles and cans to put in your bin at home.

Organize your own beach cleanup. Invite friends and family to join you for an hour of clean up, and then stick around for snacks and games.

When you think about it, a beach cleanup is not just about the litter now; it is about preserving natural resources for future generations. It may not be fun to clean up after others, but it is fun to go to the shore, and cleaning up is a small price to pay for the privilege of going to the beach.

Steve Max
Steve Maxhttp://www.webzando.com/
A long time digital entrepreneur, Steve has been in digital marketing since 2010 and over the past decade he has built & executed innovative online strategies for leading companies in car insurance, retail shopping, professional sports and the movie & television industry.


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