
5 Smart Ways to Level Up Your Plumbing

Every property owner’s greatest turn off is when something goes wrong or ugly in the plumbing. While it can be considered an inconvenience, it can be sorted out by simply making a smart choice to tweak the plumbing a little bit, like incorporating awesome innovations or trying out some methods that will surely make your homes more comfortable and livable. But how would you do this? Keep reading to learn some of the latest inventions that are proven to level up your plumbing in the coolest possible way!

#1. Smart leak detector

Can you imagine walking in the house with an inch of water on the floor? An inch of water is enough to cause damages in your home, that’s how dangerous a pipe leak is. If your work demands most of your time away from home, or you’re simply looking for ways to keep an eye on your water system, this technology is the best for you. Pipe leaks are a run-of-the-mill situation that anyone can encounter at home, but that doesn’t mean you too should have your fair share.

A study says an average household leak can end up wasting 10,000+ gallons of water a year. What a total waste of money if that happens! Smart leak detectors are placed around common sources of a leak such as a kitchen, washing machines, water heaters and bathroom. The device detects the presence of leaks, triggers an automatic shut down of a home’s water supply and sends out an alert straight to your phones through an app. The convenience that a smart leak detector can give will surely save you from a possibly huge amount to repair leaks in your pipe.

#2. Touchless plumbing

It’s no surprise how the recent pandemic has brought so much fear to many and it changes the way we care for our health, even our style. Several trends in plumbing such as touchless products helped achieve a more hygienic living space. Touchless taps for example allow homeowners to enjoy a hands-free experience. It automatically dispenses water as your hands come close to it, leaving no opportunity for bacteria and germs to transfer from your hands. If you want to live a healthy life, especially now that there’s so much threat of viruses in front of us, invest in touchless plumbing. Whichever way you see it, it’s really way cooler and healthier than the old school fixtures.

#3. Water quality controller

The water in your homes plays a vital role in the way you live a healthy life, but if it gets to the point where safety is in question because of the quality of the water running in your plumbing, then it’s another story. Your pipe that transports water from the mains to your homes should work perfectly but when sediments and salt mix with water that’s where the problem starts. These elements are especially terrible for metal pipes. The presence of these elements in your pipes speeds up corrosion and in turn, wears it away even before its expected lifespan. A water quality controller installed in your plumbing gives you the ability to control and monitor your water treatment devices to your mobile phones. It can as well alert you when the presence of salt and sediments is at a level risky to your plumbing. What’s even better about this invention is that it also gives you access to helpful tips on water conservation and your water usage peak times. A water quality controller is indeed an excellent invention you can incorporate in your space no matter if your purpose is to increase your property value, or just so you are on top of your water system.

#4. Smart showers

If there’s anything else awesome than touchless taps, it would be smart showers. Who doesn’t like the waterfall feel and look early in the morning? This invention features a showerhead with hundreds of nozzles to make sure you won’t miss your old showerhead and you can trim your shower time. Smart showers come with an efficient way to control how warm the water and how hard the pressure is coming out with its embedded thermostat. Some also have LED lights that will automatically turn on with the showers and come in different colours. Other brands also feature a battery-operated Bluetooth speaker that allows you to shut yourself off from the world and simply enjoy your favourite songs with just one voice command.

#5. Sewer Pipe Relining

We’re done talking about some of the plumbing inventions that for sure will level up your plumbing in the coolest, healthiest and most convenient possible way. But did you know that all of these great additions will only prove worthless if your plumbing isn’t working properly? Can you imagine having to cut short on your shower because your bathroom drain isn’t draining the water? Sewer pipe relining is not a device but a method to repair damages in plumbing pipes. The no-dig procedure of trenchless sewer relining makes it more appealing than the traditional repair as it likely keeps your property still intact after the pipe that is underneath your ground is repaired.

How Else Can a Sewer Relining Level Up Your Plumbing?

  • A protective coating inside the damaged pipe is applied to make it more seamless and resistant to leaks and tree-roots
  • Extends the relined pipe’s lifespan to 50 years or more if properly maintained
  • The protective liner makes it 2x more long-lasting than the old pipe
  • It seals up cracks and other fractures inside the pipe

Final thoughts

The evolution of plumbing technologies has been a truly amazing thing that happens in our life. For one, it provides convenience and a superb way to use your plumbing. For another, it transforms your plumbing, making it more reliable than ever!

Steve Max
Steve Maxhttp://www.webzando.com/
A long time digital entrepreneur, Steve has been in digital marketing since 2010 and over the past decade he has built & executed innovative online strategies for leading companies in car insurance, retail shopping, professional sports and the movie & television industry.


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