
Neuropsychological Testing and Neurofeedback Treatment for Addiction

Colorado Springs is a great fishing destination. There are many fishing spots in Colorado Springs for just any type of fishing, like fly fishing or angler fishing. South Fork, Estes Park, and the Rocky Mountain National Park are just three of the most noteworthy fishing destinations that you can find in the state.

Try to go down memory lane to the first time you went fishing as a child. Do you still remember the range of emotions you had from setting up your bait, waiting for a fish to bite until you land your first catch? You might have felt excitement, anxiety, restlessness, and even exhilaration during that time. However, you might not be aware that your brain was responding to these activities as well.

Your mind may have informed you not to be squeamish about handling the bait or be patient with the long wait for a bite. Throughout your first fishing experience, your brain was registering and responding to every activity, emotions, and processes involved. This brain process is the reason why you will know what to do the next time you go fishing.

The same principle also applies in the response of the brain for undesirable behaviors such as throwing tantrums or having an obsession or addiction. One way to test if a person is having trouble identifying desirable or undesirable behaviors is through neuropsychological testing in Colorado Springs.

Neuropsychological testing determines the health of a person’s brain and how it affects a person’s thoughts and actions. Neuropsychological testing involves seeing a clinical neuropsychologist who will objectively assess a person’s brain health. The neuropsychologist will then recommend proper treatment, such as neurofeedback therapy and rehabilitation procedures, to correct the person’s behavior.

Neuropsychological Testing and Neurofeedback Treatment

A patient who has undergone neuropsychological testing in Colorado Springs may then undergo neurofeedback training. Neurofeedback treatment will improve his or her mental state and craving. For example, if a patient has an unwanted addiction, the patient’s brain may be connected to EEG sensors to see what brainwave patterns will register when the patient is allowed to satisfy his or her addiction.

It is a fact that when people see what they’re doing, they can easily adjust their actions to ensure that they are doing an action correctly. For example, you can quickly draw a straight line with a pencil if you can see both the pencil and the paper.

During a neurofeedback treatment, you’re shown what is happening inside your brain while you are doing something you are addicted to. Your brain will be mapped in real-time to see which parts of your brain are accessed and what type of brainwaves are being produced when you perform specific actions.

Your neuropsychologist will coach you on how to train your brain to produce brainwaves that could combat your impulse towards an addiction. Because you can see what your brain is doing in real-time, it will be easier for you to access the different parts of your brain, such as memories or experiences, to change what kind of brainwaves your brain will produce.

Over time, you will find it easier to access different brainwaves to subdue your desire to perform an undesirable behavior. Neuropsychological testing and neurofeedback treatment may be the best choices in correcting unwanted behaviors such as addiction if caught early.

Steve Max
Steve Maxhttp://www.webzando.com/
A long time digital entrepreneur, Steve has been in digital marketing since 2010 and over the past decade he has built & executed innovative online strategies for leading companies in car insurance, retail shopping, professional sports and the movie & television industry.


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